
POST-401 <Sad news> The biggest and strongest pinch in life! If you go against it, full bocco is confirmed w I give up thinking that I was unlucky, but Yoshi <NTR> 20 episodes recorded A story that she was taken down by a DQN senior at a local hangout where I met because I was late 4

Because I was late for a date with her ... A disaster for her who was waiting earlier at the local h...

Release Date: 2017-09-17
Code: POST-401
Title: <悲報>人生最大最強のピンチ!逆らえばフルボッコ確定w運が悪かったと思って諦めるが吉<NTR>20話収録 ボクが遅れたせいで待ち合わせの地元たまり場で彼女がDQN先輩に寝取られていた話4
Maker: レッド
Label: 卍GROUP